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Aliena's little book corner

I live books, books, books. Reading is my passion. I'd do it all day if there weren't these little things called work and boyfriend (even though I do love my bf like crazy ;))

December 2013
I'm having a hard time rating this book and maybe I shouldn't right now. I'm way too emotional after just reading the last 10...
The Last Hour - Charles Sheehan-Miles
read and rated
December 2013
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December 2013
reviewed: Just Remember to Breathe
What wonderful 'screwed up' characters. I'm really enjoying this series. I do have a little problem with them not even mentio...
Just Remember to Breathe - Charles Sheehan-Miles
finished reading:
December 2013
reviewed: A Song for Julia
As I predicted this book made me angry, angry at what happened to Julia, angry at how her parents, especially her mother, han...
A Song for Julia - Charles Sheehan-Miles
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December 2013
reviewed: Second Chance Summer
4.5 starsThe best of times, the worst of times. I think that sums up the book pretty well. On the one side it tears your hear...
Second Chance Summer - Morgan Matson
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December 2013
reviewed: Try (Temptation #1)
Oh my holy fucking shit, this was awesome. Exactly what I was looking for hot and sweet, but mostly hot, hot, hot. And now I ...
Try (Temptation #1) - Ella Frank
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December 2013
reviewed: What I Didn't Say
4.5 starsThis was a wonderful book. I thought I would cry a lot reading it and while I did at the beginning, the smiles trump...
What I Didn't Say - Keary Taylor
finished reading:
December 2013
reviewed: Zero at the Bone
It was good, I enjoyed it a lot. There were a few things that didn't make it a 5 star for me, but I'd rec it to anyone who li...
Zero at the Bone - Jane Seville
finished reading:
December 2013
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finished reading:
December 2013
reviewed: Champion: A Legend Novel
I'm having a hard time rating this book, because for the most time it was probably closer to being 3 stars, but then the last...
Champion: A Legend Novel - Marie Lu
reviewed: Drei Männer im Schnee
While the book is good, the movie is even better.
Drei Männer im Schnee - Erich Kästner
reviewed: Eine Woche voller Samstage
Everyone should have a Sams.
Eine Woche voller Samstage - Paul Maar
reviewed: Oh, wie schön ist Panama
Oh man, how much I love this little book. Even now with 32 it's still one of my favorite children's books.
Oh, wie schön ist Panama - Janosch
reviewed: Jim Knopf und Lukas der Lokomotivführer.
Jim Knopf und Lukas der Lokomotivführer. - Michael Ende
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